Get Over It and Post It
I have so many things that I haven't posted. Simply because I was afraid to. I thought it wasn't good enough or people wouldn't like it. But I thought to myself, why can't I post it? I then told myself GET OVER IT AND POST IT!
I've decided to stop hiding behind the fact that I can't post something because I'm afraid my audience won't like it or understand it. You never know what people are inspired by. And that one thing you are holding on to because your afraid to post it could help someone. Whether it be fashion, encouraging quotes, scriptures, funny videos, selfies, singing, a new business, etc . It doesn't matter #getoveritandpostit
Like this outfit for instance. I never wanted to post it because I didnt think it was good enough. But guess what I'm posting it today and it feels good. Most of the items I'm wearing are old but I have linked similar options for you.
We have to stop letting fear hold us back and letting what others think hold us back! I hope this helps someone that was afraid like me.
Another cute off the shoulder top

Love this wrap skirt
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