I Would Never....So I Thought
I had a mini getaway for my birthday last weekend. It was a great way to kick off my birthday(which is tomorrow by the way) but while I was away I learned some things about myself and also did some things I thought I would never do.
Here are 3 things:
1.) I drove a semi long distance all by myself - This is one thing I have always been afraid to do. I use to always wait for others and end up not going becuase they would change their mind. I knew I wanted to get away for my birthday and I wasn't waiting on anyone this time. Now I have to admit it was a little lonely being in the car by myself but that wasn't nothing that music and youtube couldn't fix. I will definitely do it again! I meet up with friends and family when I got there and had a blast, so it was worth it!
2.) I followed driving directions with actual highway numbers - Everyone knows I'm not good with directions. If you ask me where something is located I always give landmarks not numbers lol but heading back home one of my family members wanted me to take a different route then what was on the GPS to avoid traffic. She started naming off highway numbers and exits and I'm just like what??? But I told myself I can do this. And guess what I did! I followed her directions exact without really using the gps and ended up exactly where I was supposed to me. Yay go me!
3.) I didn't plan my trip.....Surprise! - Everyone that knows me knows for a fact I plan everything and I will have a whole itinerary for each day. But this trip I left it up to bae and others. Can you believe I just went with the flow? And to my surprise I actually enjoyed it. But don't worry I'll be back to planning soon lol
What are some things you thought you would never do but did?
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