Summer Lessons
Summer has come to an end and I can say my summer has been a roller coaster, but through all the ups and downs of summer here are a few things I learned in the process.
1.) Not to beat myself up so much about things that are not in my control.
2.) Not to get too comfortable in any situation.
3.) Not give up no matter how much I want to.
4.) To look at the positive in every situation.
5.) To give God my best praise when I'm going through.
It's been a Slippery Summer but I'm ready for Fall where things fall into place :)
Outfit details
This is the outfit I wore for Labor Day. We decided that we wanted to get T-shirts made. Our shirt designer(tagged on IG post) gave us exactly what we wanted. I knew it would be hot so I wanted to wear shorts. I was blessed go into to Rue 21 like 3 days before and found these overall shorts! And they were only $7.00.
Summer is over but you can still wear the overalls with fancy tights, booties, and cute jacket!

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